248 646 6659
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2075 West Big Beaver Road Suite 520, Troy, MI 48084

Vote Save America

So what is this, you ask? Vote Save America is a step-by-step guide to help make sure you, your friends, and your family have all the info they need to actually vote on November 6. Click here to read the full article and to register to vote.

Birmingham Maple Clinic Summer Clinic

BIRMINGHAM MAPLE CLINIC Offers the opportunity for K- 6 students to MINIMIZE SUMMER BRAIN DRAIN. “Most students lose about 2 months of grade level equivalency in reading and math over the summer months…” -Gary Huggins, CEO National Summer Learning Association EACH SESSION WILL ADDRESS: School assigned work packets and reading Grade level math, reading, writing, and comprehension Organization … Read more

Dr. Anthony Bass, Guest Lecturer at BMC

Today, Birmingham Maple Clinic welcomed Dr. Anthony Bass, Faculty Member and Supervisor at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Research and Training, to teach a course for the clinical staff, “The Dialogue of the Unconscious and the Therapeutic Relationship.”  Therapists learned that each of us interprets the patient and the therapeutic relationship with the patient … Read more

A Clinical Inservice Seminar for BMC Therapists

“The Neurological Impact of Screen Exposure on Children and Adolescents,” Aimee F. Luat, MD., Pediatric Neurology, Children’s Hospital of Michigan Birmingham Maple Clinic Therapists attended a morning presentation to review the studies and findings identifying both positive and negative effects of digital screen exposure on children and teens. While there is some evidence that learning-based … Read more

Birmingham Maple Clinic | Michigan Mental Health