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2075 West Big Beaver Road Suite 520, Troy, MI 48084

Top Tips For College Students To Stay Safe On Campus

Use (or install) locks on your doors, windows, file cabinets, storage for valuables. Never walk alone at night; especially “under the influence.” Never be left alone at a party without your friends. Stay aware of your surroundings; do not let personal technology distract you. Keep emergency contacts in your phone. Keep some cash and identification … Read more

February 22-28 Marks National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

This year, February 22nd through 28th marks National Eating Disorders Awareness week. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), an estimated thirty million people will be impacted by an eating disorder during their lifetime. Given the large scope of this issue, the NEDA decided to make the theme for this year’s campaign “I had … Read more

Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid

In this TED Talk, psychologist Ted Winch discusses the greater value society places on physical health over emotional well-being, and why it’s important to focus on both. Winch relates how closely linked the mind and body are, and maintains that a weakness in one has repercussions on the other. In learning how to practice emotional hygiene, … Read more

Birmingham Maple Clinic | Michigan Mental Health