248 646 6659
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2075 West Big Beaver Road Suite 520, Troy, MI 48084

What 2020 Has Taught Us About Human Resilience – BMC on The Good Trade

Carrie Krawiec, LMFT Family Therapist at Birmingham Maple Clinic, was recently featured on The Good Trade to discuss the healing power of storytelling when dealing with the stresses that we carry.  When dealing with all of the negative events that happened in 2020, telling stories can help build mental resilience to difficulties in life.  Carrie … Read more

Dealing with Holiday Stress – BMC on Channel 4

Ronnie Hormel, a therapist with Birmingham Maple Clinic, recently stopped by Channel 4 to give some good advice on how to make it through the holidays this year in lockdown.  Many people were looking forward to the relief of the holidays, but it definitely won’t be the experience that they’re used to.  Ronnie explains how … Read more

Seasonal Affective Disorder – BMC on Channel 4

Ronnie Hormel, a therapist with Birmingham Maple Clinic, recently stopped by Channel 4 to discuss the signs, symptoms, and helpful tips when dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder, which usually worsens around this time due to Daylight Savings Time and the winter. Click here to watch the video on Channel 4!

Webinar: Mental Health During COVID

Lori Edelson, therapist and owner of the Birmingham Maple Clinic, was recently featured in a panel to discuss mental health during the COVID crisis. If you’d like to read more involving the COVID crisis and current events, please watch our Extraordinary Times video series.

Birmingham Maple Clinic | Michigan Mental Health